Married but Single...
A few months ago I was in a foreign country and discovered my better half started an affair, I was shattered and drew closer to God, more than ever before.
I learned how to be strong (against my will) and to still care for my children. I only cried in the dead of night and was too ashamed to confide in anybody around me...
A few months after I returned home with my children and bumped into a high school girlfriend of mine and opened up to her, she burst out with laughter, which left me somewhat confused... I was shocked that my friend thought my situation was a joke, until she spoke and told me that she is in the exact same boat as me.
It made me realize how little we know about the next person.
We have so many strong females, being abused (on so many different levels and forms) by the very person they open their hearts to, telling and showing them our most vulnerable points, with the hopes that they won't ever hurt us in that way.
My husband walked out on my children and I, because he was bedazzled by what the young lady could offer him, which was a bit of glitz and glamour which his very wallet had to cover.
On the other hand I am blessed to see my children grow up and to be able to guide them as best I can, by the grace of God.
On a few occasions Jeremiah 29 v 11 came to me through various forms, and it reassured me that God's hand is hovering over us, and He came through for us so many times. I am truly thankful for my journey thus far and can proudly proclaim: I AM A CHILD OF GOD.